
On a dark and stormy night....

 She writes. I have been writing two stories for the last 15 years. Creeping along. Progressing. Developing characters, story lines that are cohesive and interesting. Finally, I can come out of the closet: I am an author.  It's a long process. Going from idea. To bullshitting yourself. To writing a little here or there. To finally putting it into action and making it happen.  And it's happening.  It's happening enough that I feel like I can say that I am really doing this.  Whether or not This will result in a movie or a series or even hitting the NY Times best sellers list is a different story. But This is at least getting out of my head, off of my bucket list and into our space/time dimension. Ha, maybe it already exists in a higher dimension and I'm just catching up.  Note to self: Write story about higher dimension author writing lower dimension author into existence. Or maybe it's the other way around?  Who knows?  But welcome to reality Moira, Declin, Sinead,